January 26, 2016

Break on the three post program

Sorry, everyone!

Claire came down with a case of RSV and, of course, the whole family got it also. Claire is currently in the hospital. She's stable, but having trouble maintaining her oxygen. The plan right now is to help her wean off of the oxygen  as she recovers. That's it so far. 

SIDE NOTE: Don't know what RSV is? Check out some info here: http://www.cdc.gov/rsv/

We've also found that Claire has Sleep Apnea so we're learning how to take care of that at home. 

SIDE NOTE: Don't know what Sleep Apnea is? Check out some info here: http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/sleepapnea

We are working on getting pictures loaded and they'll be here soon! Until then, here's what we got on hand. . .

January 7th

January 11th
