March 14, 2015


Claire already had two teeth, now she seems to be chomping at the bit for more. Well, maybe that's just how the family feels. All her teeth are coming whether she wants them to or not. 
Currently in the process of cutting two teeth and several more can be seen in the gums (and by several we mean at least three), Claire is not always the happiest of babies. She has had trouble keeping food down because of the teething (mom did the same thing when she was young). Thankfully, the g-button is working well and she's still getting her food. 

It's true, though hard to believe, that she  turned ten months old on Friday the   13th. She spent the day mostly asleep since she was 1) fluid over-loaded and 2) cutting teeth. Then, today, she decided to rear her head and face the challenge of the movie theater. Only crying once because of a small spit, Claire was one of the best behaved kids there. She was silent, respectful and even cried more quietly than usual when she spit-- seriously. It's like she knew she needed to be more quiet until she got out into the hall and then she let loose. 

Quick health update: The doctors at the NEST clinic (development) doctors and nurses say that she is right on schedule with the exception of her motor skills (she still is not crawling, but apparently that's somewhat normal for dialysis babies).
Also, the NEST clinic is sending out a physical therapist for her; Mommy and Daddy are excited to learn what we can do to help Claire grow even more.  She holds her own small books and toys, brings things to her mouth, and is a very picky eater. She has the personality of a two year old which we love her all the more for. Above all the mess, Claire keeps flying! 

Enough ranting. Here's what you really came for: