October 5, 2014

Little Miss

Claire continues to amaze. The orthopedic doctor is very hopeful that Claire only has to wear the brace for a few more weeks. Why? In the span of two weeks, Claire's hips went from being 8% in the socket to 20%.

Claire still has a long way to go, but she keeps fighting. 

As for dialysis, we had to go down on the fill volume due to a hernia which, after a week of low volume seems to be well on its way to gone. Nephrology would like her at 200mL fill before going to 12 hours instead of 14; she is at 150mL. 

Also, she is still at 11 pounds, but she is slowly getting used to cereal. Her diet is mainly formula, but she seems to eat the cereal faster. 
Daddy is positive she prefers the milk.

For those who have asked, Mom and Dad are doing well. Today is family day since Saturday was so busy. It includes sleeping in, nap times, family play, and movie night (thanks to Netflix). 

More to come next week. Now the best part for some, the pictures. Fair warning, she moves constantly so they're not all the best of qualities.