October 12, 2014


So Claire has decided to keep her hernia. If you don't know what a hernia is, it is a tear in the abdominal/peritonital wall that is usually relatively harmless and corrects itself, unless you push and don't take it easy. That is how Claire decided to keep it; to keep it from healing. She pushes when she needs to use the restroom, when she laughs, and when she cries. She is doing one of these things at all times.

Because the hernia has yet to correct itself, there may be a surgery to fix the problem. It's still just an idea and there hasn't been action upon the idea as of yet. Mom and Dad are, of course, hoping not to have to pursue that option. 

Beyond this, Claire has had the normal new baby sicknesses: cold, sniffle, and cough. She's building up her immune system. Yay! 

Also, she is 5 months tomorrow.