Another miracle is the fact that she was in and out of the hospital in two days (!). Apparently her dialysis catheter broke and she needed a replacement. So, she had what we believe to be her 15th surgery. They replaced the catheter easily yet she has two new scars. She woke up quickly and was off oxygen that night. She came home the next night (Thursday) happy as a clam. 😀
On an somewhat, unrelated note Claire's birthday is next week. Though she still isn't crawling or talking, she's made remarkable progress. She's finally big enough for transplant (and we're currently waiting to see if she'll be put on the transplant list. Doctor says we might have to wait until August when the committee next reviews her case, but he's calling them to see if they won't reconsider her sooner). She's babbling and eating semi-solid foods. She's throwing beautifully annoying two-year old fits when she doesn't get her way. And, she is incredibly curious; always wanting things Mommy and Daddy has for herself so she can figure it out.
Like all parents, we're proud of our daughter's progress. She's a miracle in herself. Thank you, everyone, for being with us on this journey.
And . . . Pictures!