September 7, 2014


Claire has had a good week despite supply issues with Baxter who are in charge of dialysis supplies.

She's a happy kid who is smart and sassy. Developmentally, she is on cue, yet Mommy and Daddy are working with her on future skills: like sitting which she loves to do, but can't do on her own as well as crawling which she comes close to doing and then she gets distracted trying to suck her thumb. 

She is also incredibly picky about who and when she smiles. For example, she only smiles for mommy in the morning when playing between feeds. 

Here are the pictures from this week:

Playtime with Mommy. 

(Mommy loves this picture. And yes, Claire did this on purpose. She even pushed against Daddy who tried to sit her up straight. Claire can and has sat straight in the Bumbo but Mommy and Daddy are so busy working on introducing new toys that they forget to capture this cutie doing her thing.)

Baby girl sleeping when Mommy got home.