May 8, 2014

May 8, 2014

The Delivery (Updated Plan)
After much discussion between doctors- ob, renal, neonatal, radiology,- Dr. Bleich informed the family of the current decisions.

The MRI was cancelled due to the data not being worth the cost; to clarify, the MRI would not give the doctors any information that would help in the decision of when to deliver. The MRI would be more beneficial after the birth.

As for the birth, all doctors agree that 34 weeks would be best giving the doctors, family and baby a week to prepare and grow. The mother will deliver via C-section on May 15th. The time will be confirmed with the doctor tomorrow.

Until the 15th, the mother will accept visitors through 5 p.m. on the 14th.

After delivery, the baby will be transferred almost immediately to Cook's Children's Hospital across the street from the mother's hospital. The mother will stay at the original hospital until able to be discharged, which can be up to 5 days after the surgery. Since the mother may not get to see or hold the child until being discharged, the family has decided that visiting for Mom or baby will be allowed starting on Friday, May 16th at 9 a.m.

Once Claire is born, the family will have at least a weekly update for the blog on Claire's condition as well as how the family is doing. However, one can subscribe to the blog and get an email update everytime a post is added.

Stay Tuned! The best is yet to come.